Han Depei Chair in International Law and One Thousand Talents Plan Professor, Wuhan University, Institute of International Law.

Chief Expert, Wuhan Academy of International Law and Global Governance, (National Top Think Tank)China.

Vice-Dean,  Institute of International Organizations and the International Rule of Law(Ministry of Education – WHU).


Post-Doctoral Max Weber Fellow in Law, European University Institute, Florence. LL. M. Harvard Law School. Ph. D. and M.A.  in international relations with specialization in international law. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. LL.B. (5 years qualifying law degree) University Complutense of Madrid.


International Law and History – Modern Interfaces

Cambridge Studies of Comparative and International Law, Cambridge University Press (2021)

Han Depei Prize in Law, 2021

China Editon: CUP & The Commercial Press (2025)

Paperback ed. 2023

In the Shadow of Vitoria – A History of International Law in Spain (1770-1953)

Brill/Nijhoff, Collection of Studies in the History of International Law (2017)

  The International Court of Justice and the Rise of the Rest 

Cambridge University Press (forth. 2026) 

Edited Books

The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law

DE LA RASILLA, I. (with Cai Congyan. Eds.)
Cambridge University Press (2024)

Experiments in International Adjudication. Historical Accounts

DE LA RASILLA, I. (with Viñuales, J.E. Eds.)
Cambridge University Press (2019)

Paperback ed. 2021

International Law and Islam. Historical Explorations

DE LA RASILLA, I. (with Shahid, A., Eds.)
Brill/Nijhoff (2018).


Historia del pensamiento iusinternacionalista español del siglo XX

DE LA RASILLA, I. (With Gamarra, Y., Eds.)
Thomson Reuters (2012).

 Histories of International Law in China. All Under Heaven?

Oxford University Press

DE LA RASILLA, I.(with Jiangyu Wang and Congyan Cai., Eds.) (forth. 2025)

Carl Schmitt and Francisco de Vitoria. The Paradox of Universalism in International Law

Brill | Nijhoff 

DE LA RASILLA I., (With J.M. Beneyto, Eds.,) (forth. 2025)

Journal Articles

1. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Building Up inclusiveness for Women in the History of lnternational Law?’ 72 Netherlands international Law Review (2025) (ESCI)

2. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Latin America and the Caribbean in the International Court of Justice – An Empirical Quantitative Analysis (2000-2024)’ 16 Journal of International Dispute Settlement (2025) (SSCI)

3.  DE LA RASILLA, I., “La réception intellectuelle de Francisco de Vitoria chez les juristes internationaux à travers le temps. Un essai de synthèse” 147 Revue de synthèse (2025) (AHCI)

4. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Towards Comparative International Legal History?’, Journal of the History of International Law (2025) (ESCI)

5. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Spanish Henri Dunant’ of the Institut de droit international, Nicasio Landa, 1830-1891′, International Review of the Red Cross (2024) (SSCI)

6. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Rise in the Participation of Asia Pacific States in the Proceedings of the International Court of Justice (2010-2023)’, Chinese Journal of International Law (2024) (SSCI)

Book Chapters

1. DE LA RASILLA, I., (with JM Beneyto) ‘The Vitoria-Schmitt’s Nexus in the History and Theory of International Law’ in JM Beneyto and I de la Rasilla (eds.) Carl Schmitt and Francisco de Vitoria. The Paradox of Universalism in International Law (Brill/Nijhoff, 2025)

2. DE LA RASILLA, I. ‘The Rise of Modern International Law in Three Acts’, in Olivier de Frouville & Sarah Jamal (eds.) Handbook of International Law, (Wiley, 2025)

3. DE LA RASILLA, .’Carl Schmitt and Vitoria through the Looking Glass of the Classics of International Law’ in Beneyto J.M. and De la Rasilla. eds. Carl Schmitt and Francisco de Vitoria.The Paradox of Universalism in International Law (Brilll Niihoff, 2025)


4. DE LA RASILLA I. (with Joaquin Alcaide-Fernandez) ‘Revista Española de Derecho Internacional: From National-Catholicism to Technocratic Democratization (1948-2023) in Inge van Hulle and Carl Landauer (eds.) The Journals of International Law (Brill-Nijhoff, 2025)



5. DE LA RASILLA, I. (with D. Armitage), ‘The Most Neglected Province’: British Historiography of International Law,in R. Lesaffer and A. Peters (eds.). The Cambridge History of International Law. Vol. I. (Cambridge University Press, 2024)

6. DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘China and International Dispute Settlement by Adjudicative and Other Means’ in De la Rasilla, I., and Cai, Congyan (eds.)The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2024)

Encyclopedias, Editorials & Bibliographies

1.DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘The Historical Turn in International Law’. John Linarelli (ed.) Elgar Concise Encyclopaedia of Legal Theory and Philosophy (Edgar Elgar, 2025)

2.DE LA RASILLA, I., ‘Failed International Courts and Tribunals’ Max Planck Encyclopedia on International Procedural Law (MPEiPro) (Oxford University Press, 2023)

3.DE LA RASILLA, I., “Medieval International Law”, in Oxford Bibliographies of International Law (ed. Anthony Carty) Oxford University Press (2014), pp. 1-25. Updated edition in 2017.

4.DE LA RASILLA, I., “History of International Law, 1550-1700” in Oxford Bibliographies of International Law (Ed. Anthony Carty) Oxford University Press, (2013) pp. 1-25. Updated edition in 2017.

5.DE LA RASILLA, I., “Who is Afraid of Transnational Law Journals? An Editorial” 1 Chinese Journal of Transnational Law (2023)

Journal Symposia

1.DE LA RASILLA, I. (Ed.); ‘Camilo Barcia Trelles, 1888-1977’ in The European Tradition of International Law, 31 European Journal of International Law (2021).

2.DE LA RASILLA, I. (Ed.); “Introduction” to Special Issue on “Ruptures in International Law”, 13 German Law Journal 5, (2012), pp. 466-578.

3.DE LA RASILLA, I. (with M. Mbengue Eds.); “Africa and International Law – Reality and Desire”, Special Issue on “Africa and International Law”, 18 African Yearbook of International Law (2012), pp. 1-310. 


Mailing address: School of Law, Wuhan University, Luojia Hill, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China


© 2022 Ignacio de la Rasilla