Organization of International Academic Conferences
- Florence School of Transnational Governance, EUI. China and the Future of the International Legal Order. Workshop | Book Launch of The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law, 8th May 2024.
- (With Sophia Tang) The Legalization of Foreign Affairs in China, Wuhan University, Law School, 14th October 2023.
- (With Cai Congyan) 1st and 2nd Workshop of the Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law (Fudan University, 24th April 2021; and Wuhan University, 19th November 2021)
- (With Viñuales, J.E) Experiments in International Adjudication – Lauterpacht Center for International Law, University of Cambridge (15th September 2017- Research Workshops of the interest group on the History of International Law (IGHIL) of the European Society of International Law.
- ESIL 13thAnnual Conference, University of Naples: IGHIL Workshop ‘Evaluating the Historical Turn in International Law’ 8-10 September 2017.
- ESIL Research Forum, University of Granada: Workshop “Neutrality in the History of International Law – Myths and Evolving Realities” 30th-31stMarch 2017
- ESIL 12th Annual Conference, University of Riga: IGHIL Workshop: “Writing Crisis in the History of International Law” September 2016
- ESIL Research Forum, University of Istanbul: IGHIL Workshop: ‘Beyond the Western Paradigm? – Towards a Global History of International Law” April 2016
- ESIL 11th Annual Conference, University of Oslo. IGHIL Workshop: “Dreaming of the International Rule of Law – A History of International Courts and Tribunals” September 2015
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Islamic history of International Law and the Intercultural Origins of the Law of Nations (Brunel University, 28th Feb. 2014)
- (With Gamarra, Y.)Zaragoza, May 2012 “Quo va” la política exterior española? Historia, Derecho y Gobernanza Global Europea en la Era Post-Lisboa”, Institución Fernando el Catolico, (May, 2013).
- (With Gamarra, Y.)Derecho Internacional, Religión e Imperio (University of Zaragoza, Oct. 2012).
- (With José María Beneyto y Justo Corti) Institute of European Studies, University San Pablo CEU “Workshop on New Approaches to International Law. in Europe”, Madrid, 11thDecember 2010. (With José María Beneyto y Justo Corti)
Invited Lectures, Keynote Speeches and Conference Papers
- Singapore Management University, Yong Pung How School of Law. Asian Workshop of ‘Study and Analysis of International Law Scholarship (SAILS)’, 4-5 December, 2025.
- American Society of International Law, 119th Annual Meeting, Washington, ‘Traditions and Transitions in International Law’, 16-18 April, 2025.
- European University Institute, Florence. Textbooks As Markers and Makers of International Law. 17th January 2025.
- The 6th WHU 1893 Global Law Distinguished Lecture, Chair-Moderator of “Andrew Clapham, The Future of the Law of War”. Wuhan, 9th December 2024.
- The 9th East Lake Forum of International Law, Wuhan University Institute of International Law & ICDPASO, “The New Foreign Relations Law and the Community of Shared Future for Mankind” Wuhan, 30 th November 2024.
- Wuhan University School of Law, Private International Law and Sustainable Development in Asia, 23rd November 2024.
- Law School of Shenzhen University, ‘The Community of Shared Future for Mankind and International Law,’ 14th November 2024.
- Guangxi Minzu University, Nanning. Foreign Related Legal Personnel Training Session for Judges and Prosecutors, 1) China’s Foreign Relations Law and International Law 2) The Judicial System of Common Law Countries, 7th and 8 November 2024.
- Wuhan University: ‘5th 1893 WHU Global Law Distinguished Lecture Series’ Chin Leng Lim, Civilizational Postcolonial Argument in International Law. Moderator, 5 November 2024.
- Guangzhou College of Commerce. Symposium on “Theory and Practice of the Legal System Construction in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Bay Area”.20th October 2024.
- Wuhan University: ‘4nd 1893 WHU Global Law Distinguished Lecture Series’ Simon Chesterman, Artificial Intelligence and the Law Moderator, 9 October 2024.
- Fudan University, Shanghai, “All Under Heaven?Histories of International in China”, 12-13 September, 2024.
- University of Copenhagen, Expert Workshop on Regionalisation of International Law and Global Reordering, 29-30 August, 2024.
- Wuhan University, School of Law, The Symposium on the Birth Centenary of Liang Xi, “From China with Love: The Turn to the National in the Making of an International Law Handbook”, 29th August, 2024.
- Hue, Vietnam, 4th Asian Legal History Conference, 24-26 July, 2024.
- Asian Academy of International Law, Hong Kong, “2024 Colloquium on International Law”, 5th July 2024.
- AALCO Training Program, Hong Kong, 4th July 2024.
- Hong Kong, Asian Academy of International Law – Keynote Speech: Society of International Economic Law’s Postgraduate and Early Professionals/Academics Network (PEPA/SIEL), 3rd July 2024.
- Royal Institute for European Studies, CEU University San Pablo, “Francisco de Vitoria and the Shadow of Carl Schmitt in International Law”, El Escorial, 22nd-24th June, 2024.
- University of Salento, Lecce, ‘Multiperspectivity and the History of International Law’, 24th May 2024.
- European University Institute, Florence, ‘Consortium for the Study and Analysis of International Law Scholarship’, 13th May, 2024.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing, The Second Forum on Third World Approaches to International Law, “The Community of Shared Future For Mankind, International Law and the Third World”, 23 April, 2024.
- Wuhan University: ‘2nd 1893 WHU Global Law Distinguished Lecture Series’,Luc Lavrysen :Climate Law: International and European Perspectives. Moderator, 8th April, 2024.
- Macau University, School of Law, Book Presentation of The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law, 23 March 2024
- International Commission of Jurists, ‘Litigating Judicial Independence’, Prague, 21nd-22th March 2024.
- University of Trento, Institute of Chinese Law, ‘China and International Law – Not a Map but Perhaps a Compass’ 14th March 2024.
- Wuhan University, ‘1893 WHU Global Law Distinguished Lecture Series’ David Kennedy and Martti Koskenniemi “Of Law and the World’. Moderator, 11th March 2024.
- Hong Kong City University, Law School, ‘ Histories of International Law in China, 10th & 11th November 2023.
- Fudan University, Law School, Shanghai Forum, ‘Asia Contributions to International Law and Future of International Law’, 28th & 29th October 2023.
- NOVA School of Law, Lisbon, Portugal. Lecture Series: Seminario Permanente sobre o Estado e o Estudo do Direito” (SPEED),13th September 2023.
- Bandung, Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law, August 2023.
- The 29th Lanzhou Investment & Trade Fair, “Openness; Rule of Law; Innovation – Promoting the Rule of Law for the High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative”. Lanzhou, 6th July 2023.
- KU Leuven and Max Planck Institute of Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt, ‘International Law Journals’ 21st June 2023.
- Friedrich-Schiller, University of Jena and Sciences-Po, Paris. ‘Historicization of International Law and its Limits: Preconditions, Modes and Legacies, ‘Biographical Approaches to the History of International Law’, 8-10 June 2023.
- Peace Palace Library, The Hague ‘Study and Analysis of International Law Scholarship (SAILS), May 9, 2023
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, ‘What Makes a Global Classic of International Law?’ 31st January 2023.
- Hong Kong City University, ‘The Turn to the National Histories of International Law’, 16th December 2022.
- Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg – The Oxford Handbook of Women and International Law – ‘A Very Short History of Women in International Law’, October 2022.
- 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law “In/ex-clusiveness of International Law’ (Guest-Speaker) University of Utrecht, 1-3 September 2022
- Renmin University, Beijing, The Right to Environment as Human Right?. July 2022.
- Renmin University, Beijing. A. Roberts & N. Lamp’s ‘The Six Faces of Globalization’ Discussant, 16thDecember 2021.
- Wuhan University, The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law’s 1st Workshop, 19th November 2021
- University San Pablo – CEU. Convent of San Esteban, Salamanca. Carl Schmitt and Francisco de Vitoria, ‘Carl Schmitt and Vitoria at the Dawn of Cold War International Law’ 24-26 June 2021
- Sciences Po Paris, Doctoral Intensive Week, June 2021.
- European University Institute, Florence. ‘National Histories of International Law in Europe’ 11thMay, 2021
- McGill University/University of Helsinki, The Dawn of a Discipline – International Criminal Law Workshop – 26thApril 2021.
- Fudan University, The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law’s 1st Workshop, 24thApril 2021
- NATO’s Office of Legal Affairs, Brussels – Discussion of the Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law, 3rdMarch 2021.
- Fudan University, Sharp Ears to Hear a Thunderclap? The Rise of Mediation in the international prevention and dispute settlement system of the belt and road initiative, 4thDecember 2020.
- Max Planck Institute of International Law, Heidelberg, Historiography. The Cambridge History of International Law’, Historiography of International Law in the British Empire and the Commonwealth’3-4 September 2020.
- Dispute Settlement in the Belt and Road Initiative, EW Barker Centre for Law & Business, Law School of the National University of Singapore. China and International Adjudication, Picking Up Steam? 13-15th November 2019
- Zhejiang University Law School, International Prominent Forum on Rule of Law and Reform: Procedural Law and Judicial Civilization, China and International Adjudication, Picking Up Steam? 8th-10th November 2019.
- Fudan University Law School, China and International Adjudication, Picking Up Steam? 7thNovember 2019.
- 2nd China International Import Export Legal Forum and High-Level Forum on International Dispute Settlement and Prevention in Shanghai. 5th-6th November 2019.
- Xiamen University Law School, China and International Adjudication, Picking Up Steam? 23rd October 2019
- Beijing Institute of Technology’s Law School, ‘China and International Adjudication, Picking Up Steam?’ 9thOctober 2019
- Harvard University Asia Center, Legal Pluralism in Asia, September 5-7 (2019).
- AALCO-China, Teaching Program, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PR of China, Beijing ‘The Use of Force under International Law in Times of Change’ (August 2019) (course)
- International Memory Association – University Complutense of Madrid, Collective Memory Conflicts – International Law Resolution, 25th-28thJune 2019.
- National University of Singapore,16th Asian Law Institute Conference, “The Rule of Law and the Role of Law in Asia” June 2019.
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Memory Conflicts and their Resolution, Research Workshop, April 2019.
- Max Planck Institute of International Law, Heidelberg: ‘Women’s Historical Invisibility in the History of International Law in conference ‘Politics and the Histories of International Law’ 15-16th February 2019.
- Hainan College of Business and Economics, China, ‘Brexit and Catalonia – Road to Nowhere? 28dDecember 2018.
- European Academy of Yuste – CEU San Pablo: “The Three Renaissances of Francisco de Vitoria’ in Conference on ‘Erasmus, Vitoria and Charles V in Yuste”. 6th-8th June 2018.
- University San Pablo CEU, Madrid ‘Francisco de Vitoria at the Origins of Modernity’, 19thFebruary 2018.
- University of Tilburg ‘In the Shadow of Vitoria – A History of International Law in Spain’ 13th February 2018.
- University of Hamburg, “Keynote: In the Shadow of Vitoria in Spain and Latin America’ in Conference on Latin-America and International Law, 8th-10th February 2018.
- Hainan College of Software Technology, ‘Remarks on the Internationalization of Higher Education’, 11th January 2018.
- Hainan College of Business and Economics, China, ‘Brexit and the Independence Referendum in Catalonia – Two Sides of the Same Coin?’, 22ndDecember 2017.
- The University of Cambridge, Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law, “The Turn to the History of International Adjudication”, 15th September 2017
- Max Planck Institute of Procedural Law, Luxembourg “An International Terrorist Court in the Age of International Adjudication” 8th June 2017
- University Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla ‘An International Terrorism Court in nuce in the Age of International Adjudication’, 3rdof March 2017
- The Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Helsinki “International Criminal Justice as Universal Social Defense, Quintiliano Saldana, 1878-1938” (14thDecember 2016)
- The Max Planck Institute for European and International Procedural Law, Luxembourg, ‘The Elusive Turn to the History of International Adjudication’ (November, 23-26th2016)
- Brunel Law School, ‘Isis and Its Implications for International Law, ‘A Global Anti-Terrorist Court in the Age of International Adjudication?’ Sept. 2016
- European Society of International Law, 11thAnnual Conference, Riga, ‘Playing Hide and Seek with ‘Vergangenheit, die nicht vergehen will’ (‘a Past that will not Pass’) in Spain’ (6th-9th September, 2016)
- Durham Law School, Global Law in Comparative Perspective “Comparative International Law in Historical Perspective” (12thJuly 2016)
- The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva – International Forum – ‘The Shifting Origins of International Law’ (April 2016).
- Law School of Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, 10th March 2015 – Underwater Cultural Protection – The Case of Spain – 10thMarch 2015
- Law School of University Autonoma of Madrid, 12th February 2015 – ‘Beyond the Spanish Classics – the Ephemeral Awakening of the History of International Law in Pre-Democratic Spain’ – 18thFebruary 2015
- Toledo Law School, Universidad of Castilla La Mancha, ‘A New History of International Law?‘ 15thDecember 2014
- Seville University Pablo de Olavide – “Las puertas del campo – aislacionismo juridico e interpretacion constitucional en la presidencia Obama” – 26thSeptember 2014.
- Institute René Cassin for Human Rights (Aix-en-Provence, France) – Critical Approaches to International Human Rights, June 2014 ‘Interdisciplinarity and International Human Rights Law’ (12th-13thJune 2014)
- J. Quinney School of Law and the American Society of International Law – The Histories of International Law – ‘ New Histories of International Law’ Salt Lake-City (26thto 30th May 2014)
- University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) – International Law in Spain under Fascism – 17th-18thMarch 2014 (course)
- Institucion Fernando el Catolico, Zaragoza – “La sombra ambivalente del auge pre-wilsoniano del derecho internacional “- El Derecho Internacional ante la Primera Guerra Mundial’ 25THSeptember 2014
- University of Granada, School of Law of Granada (Spain) Humanitarian Intervention in International Law – Contemporary Aspects – 12thDecember 2013
- European University Institute, Florence 7thMax Weber Annual Conference, (Max Weber Observatory – Academic Careers) ‘Remarks’ (12-14th June 2013)
- Harvard Law School, Conference: New Directions in Global Thought: IGLP at Five at Harvard Law School, Host Panel “Between the Scylla of Global Law and the Caribdis of Global History” 3th-5thJune 2013.
- Parliament of Aragón. Zaragoza, May 2012 “Historia, Derecho, Economía y Gobernanza Global Europea en la Era Post-Lisboa”, “Espana ante el Derecho Global’ Institucion Fernando el Catolico, 2012
- Paraninfo Universidad of Zaragoza, Derecho Internacional, Religion, Imperio’ ‘La mimesis fascista del derecho internacional en Espana’ (December, 2012)
- University of Zaragoza, IV Foro Internacional de la Institución Fernando El Católico, “Entre África y América: Un siglo de encuentros y desencuentros de España con Europa” 9’ ‘El giro historiographico en derecho internacional ‘ 15th and 16th December, 2011.
- University de Zaragoza, Guest-lecturer, “El Derecho internacional ante Sortu / Bildu (grupo de innovación docente DADE) 15th Nov 2011.
- University de Zaragoza, Visiting professor “La dimension de la seguridad y defensa globales en la gobernanza global” Masters sobre Seguridad y defensa globales, 16th Nov., 2011.
- The Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Helsinki. Workshop “International Law and Empire”,. Presentation: “Our Unity of Destiny in the Universal: International Lawyers and the Spanish Fascist Mimesis”4-6 October 2011
- Real Colegio Complutense in Harvard. Book Presentation of Los Derechos de la Primavera with David Kennedy and Duncan Kennedy, 29thMarch 2011.
- Institute of European Studies, University San Pablo CEU, Convener and participant at the “Workshop on New Approaches to International Law in Europe”, “ Notes for the History of New Approaches to International Law’ Madrid, 11thDecember 2010.
- University of Zaragoza, III Foro Internacional de la Institución Fernando El Católico, Nacionalismos, Civilizaciones y Derecho internacional, . Conference: “La alianza del Derecho internacional entre Escila y Caribdis (o de la brevísima historia de un anacronismo jurídico”) 8th and 9th December, 2010
- The Watson Institute for International Studies, GlobalGovernance, Law and Social Thought, Writer’s workshop Presentation of “The Zero Years of Spanish International Law, 1939-1953, 21 October 2010.
- Royal Complutense College in Harvard, The Zero Years of Spanish International Law, 1939-1953, 18thMarch 2010.
- Toronto Law School & Osgoode Law School, Panelist at the 3rdAnnual Graduate Student Conference of the Toronto Group for the Study of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law, “The Zero Years of Spanish International Law, 1939-1953. 29th & 30th January 2010.
- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Panelist Third Annual Post-Graduate Colloquium On International Law, “The Zero Years of Spanish International Law, 1939-1953’16&17thJanuary
- Universidad de Zaragoza, II Foro Internacional de la Institución Fernando El Católico, Panel Chair and co-ordinator in Las Repúblicas Latinoamericanas en sus centenarios (Crisis Globales, Gobernabilidad y Derecho Internacional) , 14th & 15 December, 2009-
- The University of Paris, 1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne) .Evaluating Critical Approaches to International Law Workshop. Participant at Critical Approaches and the Third World. 11 & 12 December 2009
- The Watson Institute for International Studies, Beyond Good Governance, Rethinking Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy Promotion, Paper presented: Looking Through the Commonplace: Democracy in international Law (and Its Critics) 14-16th May 2009.
- The Watson Institute for International Studies Faculty Workshop, Brown University, Paper presented “At The King Agramant’s Camp – Old Debates, New Constitutional Times”. 12thMarch 2009.
- Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Doctoral Research Seminar in International Law, (GIIDS/IUHEID)Paper presented “At The King Agramant’s Camp – Old Debates, New Constitutional Times”. 4th December 2008.
- Faculty of Law, Business & Social Sciences, University of Glasgow. Critical Legal Conference “Critical Legal Strategies”, Paper presented “The Democratic Principle in International Law and its Critics” 5th-7thPaper presented: “The Democratic Principle in International Law and Its Critics” September 2008.
- King’s College, London, 2ndAnnual International Graduate Legal Research Conference at paper presented: “The Democratic Principle in International Law and Its Critics.” June 9th & 10, 2008
- Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Sevilla, “El pensamiento jurídico de David Kennedy” Roundtable presentation of David Kennedy’s El lado oscuro de la virtud, 3rd October, 2007.
- Faculty of Law of Budapest University, International Legal Theory Workshop at the 2ndResearch Forum of the European Society of International Law: ‘The Power of International Law in Times of European Integration’, Paper presented: “Divide et Impera, 28-29 September 2007
- Faculty of Political Science, Torino University. European Consortium for Political Research.6th Pan-European Conference on International Relations. Chair and panellist in (3-6) “Order vs Justice: The Rule of Law under Security: Democratic Legitimacy Upheld? On the Politicisation of the Law and the Legalisation of International Politics” Standing Group on International Relations in Europe. Torino. Paper presented: “An inquiry into contemporary international legal democratization”.12-15, September 2007,
- ATINER in Athens, Greece. 5thInternational Conference on Politics and International Affairs held in Athens,. Paper presented: “Kant as the Cold War Prophet? Remarks on the Evolving Path of the Right to Democratic Governance”. June 25-26, 2007
- Harvard Law School, “Global Law in Comparative Perspective: Latin America and Beyond: A Workshop at Harvard Law School, June 16 & 17, 2007 (ELRC, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies & RCC in Harvard). Participant at Roundtable 6 “Comparing Globalizations Today”. Short presentation of: “Some Disparate Thoughts on the Possibility of the “Inverted Globalization” of International Law, June 16 & 17, 2007.
- Real Colegio Complutense in Harvard, Conference “On the Democratic Principle in International Law and the neoconservative-interregnum”, 24thMay 2007.
- Real Colegio Complutense in Harvard,“Reconstructing David Kennedy into Spanish: A Prologue to an Endless Journey” pp.1-8. Opening Adress to David Kennedy’s talk on El lado oscuro de la virtud, Almuzara, 2007. ,10th April 2007.
- Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia (USA) Panel 20 “Promoting Democratic Governance” in the Global Democracy Conference: “America and the World:Sustaining Democracy in the Global Age” (Paper Presented:.”An Inquiry into the Influence of the Liberal Peace and the Right to Democratic Governance in International Law”, January 2007.
- I Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, Panelist inAgora of Human Rights at the Biannual conference of the European Society of International Law, presentation: “The Boy Who Cried: Wolf! The Dimensions of Emergence of the Right to Democratic Governance and the Fundamentals of International Law: An Introductory Overview”. May 2006
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